Regarding the “Training Follow-up” materials completed in October and November 2020, please help us by answering the following survey. Thank you for participating in the training. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please cooperate by completing the questionnaire below. The purpose of the questionnaire is to improve future training sessions and to report the results to the companies that we have collaborated with on this training. It will not be used for any other purpose.

Course Schedule:*
Instructor Name*
Occupation *
Department name*
【Q1】Training satisfaction*
(1) Overall satisfaction with the training (lecture contents, etc.)
(2) For the instructor (Lecture procedure, explanations, etc)*
【Q2】Training Content*
(1)Was the training difficulty appropriate?
(2)Was the training time appropriate for what you learned?*
【Q3】 Utilization in the workplace*
Will the lessons learned in the training be useful for your work?
(2)What kind of content do you feel would be useful for your work?
(1)Please let us know your opinions and impressions regarding today's training.
(2)What kind of training and education do you want to receive in the future?
Thank you for your cooperation.Do you give permission for the comments in this survey to be used anonymously for our listed purposes? *